Jeremy Sams Art Blog

Monday, November 1, 2010

Pastor Appreciation

This is my latest painting that was painted for our Pastor Appreciation Day. October has been designated as Pastor Appreciation Month and churches are encouraged to show their love and gratefulness to the undershepherd of the local flock of believers.

My pastor, John Miles is a huge history buff who shares a common love that I do...old clipper ships. I remember a book that my parents had bought me when I was a little fella, called "How to Draw Ships, Trains and Airplanes". It was the greatest thing since sliced bread. This began my love affair with drawing. I also remember reading a great book titled "Kidnapped" when I was in elementary school. This book is responsible for many daydreams of sailing on old clipper ships and pirate vessels.

So, in my own feeble way, I'd like to say thanks to my pastor, John Miles, for his stand on the truth of the Scriptures and his rejection of the humanistic modern bible interpretations that plague our churches today. May God give him many more years of minsitry.

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