Jeremy Sams Art Blog

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

In Faux-cus

Faux: it's pronounced "foe" for you English speaking gents and ladies, or "phoe" for the Greek savvy. It basically means "false". So, when you hear of someone having a faux finish painted, you'll now be able to understand that they're implying they're having a specialty finish painted to make something look like something it's not.
Here's one of my latest faux projects:

This was finished in the Elster residence of Winston Salem, NC. It's a combination of techniques including troweled plaster, glaze and topped off with a glossy clear finish. After the wall has been cleansed of wall paper or any other hindering material, we prime the surface to ensure a good bond. The plaster mix is then troweled onto the wall in no random pattern to give texture. After the texture has dried, base coat the wall in a light colored paint. The next step is to mix your favorite color(s) with a good clear glazing liquid. This makes the color somewhat transparent rather than solid or opaque. This is important to be able to see the base color shine through the layers. Apply with a brush, then remove brush marks with a rag or a blending brush.

There were two colors used in this finish to compliment the decor and the terracotta tile which brings the family's Texas roots to NC. Faux finishes are a great way to give character to attention starved spaces.

Click here to see more of my faux finishes.

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